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ΒΑΣΙΛΙΚA [Basilika]. The Works of King Charles the Martyr


Another text-searchable PDF file of a seventeenth-century text. Here’s the link.

This is the second (1687) edition of a folio publication, over 700 pages long, divided into two parts, with the option of viewing further subdivisions for convenience / speed of downloading.

Although the book is billed as being Charles’s own work, John Gauden, Bishop of Worcester also played a part – possibly a large part – in authoring it:

As there is substantial historical and stylistic evidence to support both the authorship of Charles I and John Gauden, we are best served to read the King’s Book as a heteroglossic, collaborative royalist effort. Daems and Nelson, 2006, p. 20

Frontispiece engraving
Engraved title page
Title page
Folded engraving

This last engraving is of especial interest. It’s a different engraving from that in the first (1662) edition, and shows the Churches of Rome and England as two of the branches of the “Church Catholique”, as distinct from false sects, represented by offshoots and saplings.
