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The Gunpowder-Treason: with a discourse of the manner of its discovery


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Although this work was published many years after the events it describes, and its main content is reprinted, it also contains the first printing of a number of letters relating to the plot.

It is not a scarce work, and there is at least one other online copy (in the HathiTrust digital collection), but the margins are frustratingly narrow, making it difficult to scan.

I’ve done my best to scan each page fully, and the book can be viewed HERE. As with my other text-searchable PDF scans, the page may take some time to load. If it refuses to load at all on one browser, try opening it on another. I’m working on dividing these PDFs into smaller, more easily loaded, sections, but it all takes time!


The main section of this book had been published in 1605 as His Maiesties Speach in this Last Session of Parliament as Neere his very Words as Could be Gathered at the Instant: Together with a discourse of the maner of the discouery of this late intended treason, ioyned with the examination of some of the prisoners. The main bibliographical interest of this edition (apart from Thomas Lord's preface) is Edward Digby's letters, which are published here for the first time.

The accused

Click here for a Protestant account of the plot and here for a Catholic account.
