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“Three Thomases”: Tres Thomae, a Catholic work by Thomas Stapleton


Here is another text-searchable PDF file of an early modern text. Here’s the link.

Tres Thomae (1612), title page. Click here for the complete text.

This is the second (1612) edition of Thomas Stapleton’s account of the lives of Thomas the Apostle, Thomas Beckett and Thomas More. The first edition was published in Douai in 1588.

Somewhat neglected these days, Stapleton was a leading Catholic controversialist during the Elizabethan period. A list of his numerous works is given in the Catholic Encyclopedia. For a detailed account of the Tres Thomae, see William Shiels, “Polemic as Piety: Thomas Stapleton’s Tres Thomae and Catholic Controversy in the 1580s” (Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 60:1, pp. 74-94; requires login).
